Why Us.

"Take care of your clients and they will take care of you."

Nico D. March - Nico’s father
About Us

The March
Group story

In 1978, Nico volunteered for his first board membership, serving as the Treasurer for his homeowner’s association. At that time, he read the governing corporate documents which stated “all funds must be invested in insured accounts” and thought there must be a simpler way to help protect, maintain and enhance the assets for his community without increasing the risk. Several years later, he followed his father’s footsteps into finance and joined Merrill Lynch, still thinking about his community. This was the early 1980’s and most “stockbrokers” were more interested in IPOs, stock trading and big commissions versus financial planning and suitable ways to invest funds for their clients.

Nico decided to focus on this niche and in 1983 rolled out the very first Cash Management for Community Association program.  It combined a short term money market fund for liquidity and immediate cash needs, as well as access to over 300 FDIC insured institutions for the purchase of CDs.  With this simple beginning,  Nico was able to invest unlimited funds for communities while maintaining insured coverage on the complete portfolio. In 1989, with the introduction of computer technology, Nico developed the precursor to the “Needs-Based Analysis” utilizing Lotus 1-2-3 to prepare a spreadsheet that outlined the future needs for associations and then matched those with specific investment vehicles, CDs and more. 

In 1978

Nico volunteered for his first board membership, serving as the Treasurer for his homeowner's association.

In 1978

Nico volunteered for his first board membership, serving as the Treasurer for his homeowner's association.

In 1980

Stockbrokers were more interested in IPOs, stock trading and big commissions versus financial planning and conservative ways to invest funds for their clients.

In 1980

Stockbrokers were more interested in IPOs, stock trading and big commissions versus financial planning and conservative ways to invest funds for their clients.

In 1983

Nico decided to focus on this niche and rolled out the very first Cash Management for Community Association program.

In 1983

Nico decided to focus on this niche, rolled out the very first Cash Management for Community Association program.

In 1989

Nico developed the precursor to the “Needs-Based Analysis” utilizing Lotus 1-2-3 to prepare a spreadsheet.

In 1989

Nico developed the precursor to the “Needs-Based Analysis” utilizing Lotus 1-2-3 to prepare a spreadsheet.

By 1994

The program was enhanced to incorporate reserve study data, which almost every community had to prepare annually to comply with various state laws. This addition changed the entire way management companies handled funds for their association clients. Rather than leaving money in the bank at little or no interest, the management companies could help grow their clients' funds and reduce the workload for their managers.

Late 1990's

Further enhancements in the late 1990’s addressed the need for loans and credit facilities. This became very apparent after several hurricanes in Florida destroyed many properties and created challenges for board members, managers and homeowners as well. The ability to use their investments and borrow funds without having to liquidate CDs prior to maturity, proved beneficial while helping smooth cash flow, reduce the potential for special assessments and allow for longer term planning.

Early 2000’s

With a firm financial foundation and always looking towards the future, the new millennium brought various ways to enhance returns by incorporating Market Linked CDs, Inflation Protected Treasuries and various other options. All the while keeping the idea of insured, protected and liquid funds available when needed. Now the term “fiduciary focus” is applied to this time-tested process.
Why Us

Why work with The March Group?

Over 4 Billion Dollars invested for our clients since 1982

Focus on Businesses and their specific cash flow needs unlike banks or other advisors that provide cookie-cutter funds or risky investments

Developed the first process-driven approach for Corporate Cash Management

Holistic investment management encompassing both assets and liabilities, short and long term investments and credit needs

Global reach and street-wide resources with local feel

Customer-centric Team with over 68 combined years of investment management experience

Developed and provide ongoing certified education courses for CAMs in several states

Published over 100 articles and co-authored book, How & Why Community Associations Invest Assets

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